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Turn Your Home into a Sustainable House

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Nowadays, houses are being built following the parameters of sustainable architecture.  However, most people live in homes that were not designed as living spaces respectful of the environment. The aim in the past was to build comfortable and functional houses in the most affordable way. 

Luckily, turning these homes into sustainable houses does not require a huge effort. We just need to be aware of optimizing the use of different resources and carry out minimal logistical adaptations. To transform our house into an eco-friendly space we have to start implementing small changes one day at a time. 

Keep reading to learn some tips on what actions and changes you can implement to start caring for the environment and save some money in the process. 

Your New Sustainable House

Recycle correctly: recycling is one of the best actions we can take to protect our planet. Even though it seems like a small act, recycling offers a lot to the wellbeing of our environment. Make sure you are separating the different items in the appropriate way. 

Buy energy-efficient appliances: when buying appliances like dishwashers, fridges and lighting fixtures you should verify that they can save energy. 

Create chemical-free cleaning products: non-toxic homemade cleaning products are healthier for us, they also help us save money and they protect the environment. Besides, the majority of the most powerful ingredients used for chemical-free cleaning products may already be on our pantry shelves. 

Eat seasonal products: buy local and seasonal products to avoid the environmental cost of consuming food that has to be transported from different locations. Besides, try to improve the way you estimate how much food you are going to eat in order to avoid wasting products. 

Insulate the rooms: sealing wall joints and choosing double glazed windows can save up to 50 % in costs linked with heating and air-conditioning. 

Choose LED light bulbs: these bulbs last up to 70,000 hours and do not contain toxic elements. By choosing LED light bulbs, you will be helping the environment and reducing your energy bills. 

Collect the water in the shower: there are special bags that will help you collect this water. Then, you can re-purpose it to water the plants and for mopping the floor. 

Purchase a dual flush toilet: this system has two buttons to flush different amounts of water depending on your needs. Dual flash toilets reduce water consumption up to 50 %. 

Paint with ecological products: ecological paint is made with vegetal substances. This product does not contain petroleum and is biodegradable.  

Plant an urban garden: in just a small place, you can set up a herb garden. By doing it, you will have fresh air in your sustainable house and fresh herbs for your cooking recipes. 

Ready to make some changes? You can definitely start now!