- October 4, 2023
- 382
- Eco News
Voluntary simplicity has become a big movement in recent years. It is the choice of reducing the presence of exterior clutter and of material possessions that are irrelevant to the main purpose of one’s life. Many people have opted to reduce their hours at work, their income and their levels of consumption. They prefer to have more time than more money and they find more satisfaction in contributing to their community rather than in having a bigger house or a new car.
A simple way of living is attractive for many reasons. To start with, it addresses what people find complicated, unhealthy and unethical about consumerism. Some people simplify their lives for personal and economic reasons, like getting out of debt, reducing stress and reclaiming their time. Others turn to simplicity for spiritual reasons because they want to avoid materialism from distracting them from the spiritual life. Many other people choose voluntary simplicity for ecological reasons and to get closer to a sustainable way of life that is in harmony with nature.
What Can I Do To Choose
Voluntary Simplicity?
As the current Western lifestyle implies using many of the Earth’s resources, it is undeniable that we must reduce our consumption habits. Thanks to voluntary simplicity, this reduction is a joyful, community-building and personally rewarding choice. Voluntary simplicity helps creating the conditions for a respectful and sustainable existence. Here are some ideas on how to simplify your life:
- Reduce miles driven by 10% every year. Ride a bicycle for local errands and even for commuting.
- Buy less. Before purchasing something new, ask yourself – “Do I need this? Do I want it?”
- Use less paper. Share a newspaper subscription with a neighbor or check out the news online.
- Stop buying books. Read books from the library.
- Avoid consuming fast fashion. Buy used clothing or sustainable brands.
- Get creative with leftovers. Instead of throwing them, learn how to create new dishes.
- Grow some vegetables. Or join a community-supported farm.
- Avoid excessive packaging. Buying in bulk and cooking real food puts you in touch with a natural way of living.
The idea of voluntary simplicity is that we do not need to accumulate more possessions, money or activities to be happy. Instead, we need fewer material items and more human connection. Less noise and more silence. Less screens and more nature. Voluntary simplicity allows us to build meaningful relationships with other living beings and with the planet. Start small and you will see the benefits and the impact you are making in no time.